Saturday, November 15, 2008

Journeys To The Underworld (Part II)

I have finally finished reading this book. Yea, I took quite a long time to do so. After reading this book, I realize what we often see or heard is actually true and it's happening.

The last I wrote is about the Third Tribunal. In each tribunal, there's quite a number of prisons in them just like what we have on Earth. In this tribunal, there's a copper/iron knife face scraping prison where sinful souls are punished by scraping off their face's skin. Yes, sound torturing indeed. This is a prison for those who do not understand the meaning of modesty, righteousness and courtesy. Next will be the Prison of Hanging Up Side Down. In here, the soul will be hung up side down by the feet which the soles are pierced by hooks attached to steel wires. This is to punish souls who had upset moral obligations, ruined social structure and defied the human duties and relationship.

The Fourth Tribunal is ruled by Wu Guan Wang and he's in charged of 16 small prisons which carry out different punishment. One of them is the Prison of Forced Drinking of Medicine. It's for those who when they are alive, they imitate drugs and medicine without following the proper way to do it and at the aim of making bulk money and not for the health of those who ate it. Next is the Prison of Boiling Water where souls hands are up raised and nailed to the wooden framework and are being splashed with boiling water to their hands. This is punishment for thieves, robbers and swindlers. Mouth Piercing Prison, the name says it all. It's a place where souls are pinned to pillars and are being mouth pierced with steel sharp skewers. This is to punish those who don't use our mouth to speak out proper and decent words. Next it's the Severing of Sinews and Extracting of Hand Bone Prison. In here souls are sever the sinews of the hands and strip of the flesh with pointed and sharp knives. The flesh are then feed to 'iron dogs' in Hades. Prison of Poisonous Bees are for people who spoil the good name of temples and places of worship. In here they are being stung by tiger head bees and there's no way to avoid it as the bee has it's own spirit and will only sting sinful souls.

I think it's better for those of you who's interested in the book to read it yourself. Shall not blog anymore about it. My friend had borrowed the book from me and hope she enjoy reading it.

Friday, November 7, 2008

Yet Another Weird Dream

Yet another bizarre dream I had last night. I only remember this certain part and I have no idea how I could dreamt such dream.

This time I dreamt I'm pregnant. It's a twin. A baby boy and a baby girl! Yes, I can see it clearly with the ultrasound photo or x-ray photo in my dream. The next thing I know, I was being led all around in search of a doctor. I don't know why but HE brought me to doctor. Don't seem to me like I'm in a rush but yet I feel like I have to walk from one end of the mall to the other end, up or down the lift, rush into the car or was it a bus, I really can't remember. Eventually I was awaken by my dogs morning session barking.

Weird right? Wonder what can this dream mean? Or maybe lately there's 4 or more friends of mine who had just recently gave birth. But non of them gave birth to a twin. Anyway, just another weird dream of mine.

Saturday, November 1, 2008


Usually weekends are the days that we all look forward to. Why? Cos it's the day we don't have to work. I don't know about you but I have a five days week policy so my Saturdays and Sundays are free for myself!

Weekends usually past by very fast. Like they say, good times always end without you realizing it. I guess to me, weekends are my good times. It's the time when I can spend time with my loved ones and also can just laze around my house doing nothing. It is also on weekends that we manage to catch up on movies or may be have a movie marathon :) or go shopping. That's what I do on weekends with my bf. At times when we are so lazy, we can just laze around either his or my house the whole day. Call us lazy bums but hey, it's the days when we don't have to work. Else what is there to do on weekends? House chores? Yes, I do that but not on my weekends. As my family had a cleaner lady over once a week so most of the washing, sweeping, ironing is done by her.

Weekends can seem to be boring too. So I'm also wondering what other things can I do during my weekends beside sleeping and lazing at home :)